Designing for Diversity in DAOs

Workshop 2: Discovering and Belonging

This workshop is a sequel to Priming the Lens, where participants openly share the stories of their experiences so we can begin to understand the impact of how the world is designed all around us. This workshop focuses on the first steps in one’s experience with DAOs, Discovering & Belonging.

This is an exercise of authentic sharing and reflection, allowing real conditions by which participants discovered the DAO space and eventually joined the DAOs that they are a part of today to come to light. We will examine the role that tools and social networking played in the process, as well as any misconnections or barriers that participants encountered.

Workshop Format

Subtopics: Recruitment & Onboarding; Tribe & Identity; Inclusion & Access; Web3 Transition; the Future of Work


Creating Space

This is a safe space where people come together to share their stories and deeply listen to each other in an intentional way. It is a place where no one person is higher than another, no one voice stronger than another. We seek understanding over agreement, connection over content, and strive to honor each person’s experience and unique wisdom. Through these prompts, we can open up, be vulnerable, build trust, and make our communities stronger. 

As we start the discussion I want to encourage everyone to practice a few principles... 

  • Not to lean towards right or wrong but to seek understanding over agreement. 

  • Share your story or experience

  • Be present when other people are sharing

  • Respect - respect for your wisdom and that of others

  • Let people finish their thoughts completely before you start so that we can hear everyone and they can feel heard.

  • Lastly, to ensure everyone feels safe sharing regardless of what they are sharing, just notice when you are affirming someone else’s speech and see if you can allow yourself to be neutral as others share. We want to hear everyone speak and share regardless of whether we agree with them or not.

What we share here can be personal and there should be a consideration for the privacy of others. With that said, what is shared here stays here, and what is learned can leave.

(7 minutes)


  • Use 5 words to describe your experience working in DAOs thus far

  • Let’s do a three word check-in about your day so far

(5 minutes)


This bank of prompts is designed to uncover real moments, building a rich personal history of the participant's entry into the DAO space. Discovering Web3 for the first time, transitioning one’s career, accessing opportunities, and progressively advancing by upskilling or adding complexity to commitments are all potential milestones worth exploring. Facilitators will have the freedom to choose from this list the questions that best support the storyteller and their use of time.

  • Share the story of how you learned about DAOs. If you learned from a person, describe that person and your relationship to them.

  • How did you choose the DAOs that you are most engaged with today?

  • POPCORN- What keeps you engaged with that/ those DAO(s)? (10 minutes)

  • Share the story of your onboarding journey

  • Tell us about the ecosystem and culture of your DAO. For example… Our DAO is centered around gaming, and everything we do, what we create, how we operate is through that lens.

  • How is compensation handled in your DAO and what is the timeline for receiving compensation? In other words, how do you get compensated and how long did it take before you started to get compensated? (15 minutes)

  • What was the most difficult part about entering the DAO space?

  • What has been the most rewarding part about entering the DAO space?

  • How much of your time do you spend in DAOs and outside of DAOs?

  • What’s next for you in the DAO space? (15 minutes)

Left Overs

  • Anything else you would like to share before we close this space? (5 minutes)


  • Let’s do a 2-word check-out about your experience in the space today. (3 minutes)

We offer skilled facilitation of this workshop to ensure that participants feel brave, empowered, and heard.

Let us know who you are and how we can help.