Designing for Diversity in DAOs

Workshop 1: Priming the Lens

This interactive workshop is aimed at giving participants an opportunity to learn and share how the ecosystem of their DAO affects them and their colleagues. We will start to think critically about how specific conditions serve different needs and preferences. With the use of prompts, participants can openly share their experiences and stories so we can prime our lens to begin to understand the impact of how the world is designed all around us. We aim to enhance our recognition of conditions that may be barriers of entry or drop-off points for certain groups of people depending on their needs and preferences.

Workshop Format

This workshop is intended to trains participants to identify and analyze social and organizational behavior design for the purpose of building better, healthier, more inclusive DAOs.



DAOs are social spaces where people congregate, pool resources, and collaborate using multiple skill sets to achieve a shared goal. We either decide to make them inviting, rewarding, and supportive for different types of people, or we rely on defaults or what’s comfortable to guide us. Designing for Diversity in DAOs means questioning our defaults to see if they really are as universally applicable as we thought. Are existing conditions off-putting, intolerable, or unsafe for some? Those are the areas we will flag for system redesign.

In this session, we will assemble a group of representatives and ask them to speak from their own perspectives.

(5 minutes)


Get to know each other using Chilli’s microsolidatrity questions.

(15 minutes)

Session 1

For DAOists to become aware of how they are currently designing for behavior, we need to train ourselves to SEE the current conditions that are affecting our social spaces. Describing our self-awareness and sharing it with others is a path to enlarging our collective awareness. By aggregating our combined preferences and needs, we can build a lens that will help us evolve towards a more complex and inclusive culture.

Select 4 volunteers.

Q’s for Person #1 - Attracting the Right Talent

  • How did you learn about DAOs for the first time? If from a person, describe their identity.

  • What DAO are you most engaged with today and what do you do there?

  • Tell us about its brand image. 

    • Colors, rhetoric, mythology, theme, mascot

  • How did you make your decision to join this particular DAO?

  • What was the process like to onboard?

    • Self-driven, guided/programmatic, gamified, or a hybrid

For DAOists to become self aware of how we are currently designing for behavior, we need to train ourselves to SEE the current conditions that are affecting our social spaces. Demonstrate analysis given the conditions they describe. Ask the rest of the group how those various conditions would make them feel?

Q’s for Person #2 - Equitable Compensation

  • What DAO are you most engaged with today and what do you do there?

  • Is there a question that our first speakers answered that you would also like to respond to?

  • Now tell us, how much time do you spend working in DAOs now?

  • How much money do you make? Joke. Do you know how your compensation was allocated? Do you think it is equitable? Do you have access to adjust it?

  • Have you ever negotiated for a raise? Do you know the process?

  • Do you know what your colleagues are making?

We can solve for what we can see. If you don’t have answers to these questions, build them for your DAO.

(60 minutes)

Session 2

Q’s for Person #3 - Allowing Difference

  • What DAO are you most engaged with today and what do you do there?

  • Is there a question that our first speakers answered that you would also like to respond to?

  • Have you ever experienced a conflict at your DAO?

  • Is there conflict resolution in place? 

  • What about a code of conduct?

Diversity means incorporating ‘difference’ of perspective and identity into a group. Conflict resolution is a tool for broadening the organization’s cultural mindset.

Q for Person #4 - Supporting the Whole Person 

  • What DAO are you most engaged with today and what do you do there?

  • Is there a question that our first speakers answered that you would also like to respond to?

  • Are there places to gather socially with your colleagues and not talk about work? If yes, which are your favorite and why?

  • Do you have a chance to connect with people and get support on a deeper level?

(60 minutes)

We offer skilled facilitation of this workshop to ensure that participants feel brave, empowered, and heard.

Let us know who you are and how we can help.